
What is so hard about making a series based off something else? Frustrated thoughts about “Little Witch Academia” Season One.

What a long week. It was nice having something to look forward to every day after work, but it was hard to find time to watch the show and review it, since I only had time for a couple of episodes a day and I typically don’t start writing the actual reviews until I’m done.… Continue reading What is so hard about making a series based off something else? Frustrated thoughts about “Little Witch Academia” Season One.


The original Little Witch Academia short is traditional, yet satisfying

There’s only so many stories one can tell. If you can think of it, it’s been done before. Harry Potter wasn’t the first boy wizard to have dead parents who needed to confront the villain who killed them. Percy Jackson wasn’t the first demigod to go on adventures based on myths. Katniss wasn’t the first… Continue reading The original Little Witch Academia short is traditional, yet satisfying