Animation Reviews

“Marcel the Shell With Shoes On” is a bittersweet film with a lot to say

Adapted from the stop-motion viral YouTube videos, Marcel the Shell with Shoes On follows Marcel, who lives with his increasingly forgetful grandmother Connie in an Airbnb.


“Encanto” is a somewhat enchanting movie

I haven’t loved a lot of Disney’s newer movies; either they’re missing that kind of Disney magic with notable songs and fun villains, or perhaps I’ve just aged out of them. And to be honest, I wasn’t too excited for Encanto. It wasn’t high on my list of movies to look forward to in 2021.… Continue reading “Encanto” is a somewhat enchanting movie


“Children of The Sea” is a unique film, but not always great

It’s a very loose and fluid plot - and the entire third act feels like a drug trip and existential dread. And while the story may not be cohesive - the art is certainly beautiful.


An American movie with a Chinese twist: Over the Moon is beautiful

Ever since I first saw the trailer for Over the Moon, I wanted to watch it. It looked so bright, colorful, interesting, and emotional. And it was nice to see that it was also going to take advantage of the opportunity to use Chinese culture rather than just having it act as a backdrop. And… Continue reading An American movie with a Chinese twist: Over the Moon is beautiful


“Animal Crackers” is Racist Poorly-Written Trash

Why did I waste nearly two hours of my life on this movie? I knew it wasn’t going to be good. I knew it was going to be full of clichés and plot contrivances. But I had hoped that maybe this movie would have some spectacular element, that I would appreciate a single part of… Continue reading “Animal Crackers” is Racist Poorly-Written Trash


“The Willoughbys” though no masterpiece is bright, funny and entertaining

It’s good to see original animated movies or animated movies that are based on lesser known books and works. It allows for a far more lenient adaptation; the creators don’t need to worry about pissing off too many fans. I never read The Willoughbys even though I think Lois Lowry is a brilliant author. Though… Continue reading “The Willoughbys” though no masterpiece is bright, funny and entertaining