
Incredibles 2: a fun throwback that feels brand new

While Solo: A Star Wars Story may have flopped at the box office, Pixar’s Incredibles 2, directed by Brad Bird, has proved that nostalgia is not dead. The movie received great reviews by critics prior to its released and pre-ticket sales outnumbered those for any other animated film. The previous record was held by Finding… Continue reading Incredibles 2: a fun throwback that feels brand new


An Incredible (2) trailer with a side of theories

The official trailer for Incredibles 2 finally aired. The movie premieres in just under two months and I’m pumped. Due to my job, I won’t be able to go to the premiere but I’ll definitely be able to catch it in the first week. I’ve already reviewed the teaser, and have proposed some theories and… Continue reading An Incredible (2) trailer with a side of theories


An Incredible (2) Sneak Peek

So a sneak peak of Incredibles 2 dropped last week, which can be found here. I was going to review it then, but my Phantom Boy review took longer than I thought, and the trailer didn’t drop until the evening. So that totally messed up my plans. The movie looks, pun intended, absolutely incredible. It… Continue reading An Incredible (2) Sneak Peek


The Incredibles 2: Theories and Predictions

The Incredibles is one of my favorite Pixar movies and in this time of countless superhero sequels and adaptations, most of which I have given up on, I’m actually really excited for Incredibles 2. So far, not much is known about the plot, but there is a general synopsis. According to the EW, the film… Continue reading The Incredibles 2: Theories and Predictions